Missing Dollar Puzzle (SOLUTION)

The puzzle asks to find the missing dollar, but is there actually a missing dollar? To understand what is going on, we can make a breakdown of the transactions:

The three customers give the hotel $30.
The hotel gives the bellhop $5.
The bellhop gives the customers $3.

This means that the three customers paid $27 total. The bellhop received $2 total and the hotel received $25 total. The total paid is $27 and the total received is $27. So, everything checks out and there is no missing dollar!

The puzzle involved an incorrect addition, namely $27 + $2 = $29. $27 is the total amount paid by the customers and $2 is the total amount received by the bellhop. There is no reason to add these numbers! And there is no missing dollar!

Check out the puzzle (without the solution) by clicking here!

Missing Dollar Puzzle (SOLUTION)
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